Sunday 16 June 2013

Native Bird ECO Action

The ECO Team has decided to work on encouraging the birds over this winter.  This will help the Juniors who are doing the Bug Walk for Choice and Challenge.

Here are our ideas:
Make bird feeders
Make bird honey sugar food
Learn what the birds look like to identify
Make something for the kids to ID and learn about the birds
Bird survey to find out what birds are visiting our school
Find out what plants native birds need
Plant some more natives to feed our birds


  1. We could have a water trough for the birds.
    Build bird feeders.
    We could fundraiser to get binoculars for the kids to bird bird watch.
    We could build a bird hide.... A willow dome bird hide.
    Make some stuff to teach the kids what the birds are.
    Plant natives that provide nectar for the birds - a bird supermarket.
    Tate would like to make a bird house.


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